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Political Campaign Products & Campaign Supplies
Political Campaign Products: Specializing in political campaign signs, political signs, political yard signs and all types of campaign supplies. We are the factory and want to be your political sign company. Our cheap political signs can give your fund raising efforts a broader reach by allowing you to buy more political campaign supplies. If you are a campaign manager we can be your one stop shop. Make us you source for all of your printed political supplies. View Political Slogan Ideas - Free to use and modify. 
Political Signs
Our cheap political yard signs will give you maximum bang for your buck. Yard signs direct from the manufacturer. We specialize in corrugated plastic yard signs, poly bag signs, and double sided poster board yard signs. Large campaign or small we have your solution.
Political Bumper Stickers
Keep your political campaign marketing on the move with the quintessential campaign product - political bumper stickers. Available as removeable pressure sensitive bumper stickers or as flexible magnetic sticker.
Political Magnets
Place political magnets on your car and you supporters. Politicians get key name recognition when used on cars in parades or just driving around town - Take your campaign with you wherever you drive.
Lapel Stickers
An inexpensive alternative to campaign lapel pins. These stickers are great for political campaigns and can fit in to almost any campaign budget. Our economical lapel stickers are available on rolls of 1000.
Door Hangers
Political Door Hangers are an effective tool for reaching potential voters. A canvassing essential! Key campaign platform information can be printed on the back. Give your political campaign a leg up with door knob hangers.
Campaign Buttons
Full color campaign buttons that you can distribute to potential voters. Give out at political rallies, parades, and political party headquarters. Let voters promote your campaign by having them wear your buttons.
Palm Cards
Distribute important information at political rallies, parades, and political party headquarters. Let voters know where you stand. Promote your campaign with color.
Rally Fans
Promote your campaign with Political Rally Fans. Rally Fans get your message out with a usable product. Hand these out at parades, rallies, sport events, and charity walks. Imagine 2500 charity walkers using these to fan themselves as they walk.
Political Sign Design
Tips for designing ''Eye Catching Political Signs''. Whatever your political affiliation; Republican, Democrat, or other - Victory is your goal - use these tips to help make it happen.
One Click Kits - Political Campaign Signs
Our most popular political campaign sign designs in an easy to order kit. Choose from several ready made political yard sign designs. One Click Kit Includes: campaign signs and 30" tall sign frames (H Frames).
Pennant Strings
Pennant Strings make for classic campaign decor. Decorate your political campaign headquarters with red, white, and blue pennants. Our have use make custom pennant strings with your candidates name, slogan, or issue.
Emery Boards
Emery Boards that are great handouts for political campaign events, parades, or just out canvassing. Give these out to potential voters and give them a little reminder to vote for you.