School Bus Stop Ahead 30 x 30
MSRP: $118.45
Price: $112.50
You Save: $5.95 (5 %)
Item Number: S3-1XX22
* denotes required field
Choose Reflectivity Level*
Sign Specifications:
Size: 30 inches x 30 inches
Color: Black copy on Yellow field (RA Type I and HIA Type III) or Black Copy on Fluorescent Lime (DG Type IX)
Corners: 1 1/2 inch radius
Holes: Two 3/8 inch mounting holes top and bottom centered.
Can be installed on to a post, wall, or a fence.
Meets MUTCD sign regulations for parking lots.
Our School Signs or made from .080 Aluminum - This is HEAVY DUTY .080 Aluminum Sign Material. It meets all MUTCD requirements. Don't be fooled by other companies selling inferior and thinner parking signs online. Handicap parking signs made from thinner Aluminum are more subject to being bent - during installation, thru accident, or vandalism. Make sure your parking signs are made from .080 Thick Aluminum - Don't settle for less. If .080 is not being advertised you will most likely receive a product of inferior quality.
Choose Your School Bus Stop Ahead Signs In These Durable Finishes
RA Type I Engineering Grade Prismatic Reflective Sheeting on .080 Aluminum - This sign material will reflect at night when light hits it. Signs are .080'' thick with a Type I engineering grade prismatic reflective sheeting applied over the surface. These Signs will never rust and have an average lifespan of 7 years. Signs meet most State and Federal D.O.T. specifications (Please check with your local code enforcement office for sign requirements - this is your responsibility).
HIA Type III Prismatic High Intensity Reflective Sheeting on .080 Aluminum - This prismatic lens material will reflect at night when light hits it. Ten times more reflective than Type I reflective. Signs are .080'' thick with high intensity sheeting applied over the surface. Signs will never rust and have a lifespan of 10 years. Signs meet most State and Federal D.O.T. specifications (Please check with your local code enforcement office for sign requirements - this is your responsibility).
DG Type IX Prismatic Diamond Grade Sheeting on .080 Aluminum - This material will highly reflect at night when light hits it. Signs are. 080 inches thick with prismatic reflective sheeting applied over the surface. Signs will never rust and have an average lifespan of 10 years on yellow green (fluorescent lime). Signs meet most State and Federal D.O.T. specifications (Please check with your local code enforcement office for sign requirements - this is your responsibility). These signs meet the new Federal Highway administration regulations.
For more information on the new Federal Government Minimum Reflectivity Standards please visit MinimumReflectivity.org
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